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International Workshop on Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China

发布时间:2011-08-23      点击数量:


International Workshop on Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China

发表于: 2011-08-23 11:01  点击:1533

Call for Papers—International Workshop on Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China

The International Workshop on Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China

June 15-16 (Friday-Saturday), 2012

Guangzhou, China

School of Economics, Institute of Industrial Economics at Jinan University

Papers in Regional Science

Journal of Regional Science

We are pleased to announce that we are organizing a two day workshop 15-16 June, 2012 at Jinan University in Guangzhou, China. The objective of this workshop is to increase the visibility of regional economics, urban economics, and spatial economics in China and to develop a stronger research network for top level Chinese scholars. We welcome submissions on any research issues on regional, urban, and spatial economics in China including on the following topics:

-          regional growth and infrastructure

-          regional disparities and regional coordinated development

-          urbanization and the role of cities in the knowledge economy

-          inter-regional and rural-urban migration

-          agglomeration and New Economic Geography

-          sprawl and environmental issues

For those who are interested in presenting a paper in the workshop, please send a note of interest as soon as possible to receive further details. Submit a draft of a paper or an abstract (paper draft preferred), in English, to the following email address by 1 February 2012:


Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 1 March 2012 and a complete paper is expected by 15 May 2012.

The workshop will bring together between 30 to 40 participants for a period of two days. Each presentation will be about 30 minutes in length with time for questions and discussion so that presenters will receive good input. There will be one and a half days of seminar presentations and the rest of the time will be free to allow scholars to interact, network and explore the possibility of doing joint research projects. Senior scholars who will attend will be available for consultations with junior scholar and there will be lectures by senior scholars. The Scientific Committee is below. After the workshop, attendees will have the opportunity to submit their papers for a special issue in Papers in Regional Science and a symposium in Journal of Regional Science, which are both top internationally recognized field journals in Regional and Urban Economics with strong ISI impact factors.

Journal of Regional Science webpage:

Papers in Regional Science webpage:

We can provide travel grants to help cover travel and accommodation costs for selected paper presenters.
If you need further information about the workshop, please do not hesitate to contact Anping Chen (anping.chen@yahoo.com.cn), or Jouke Van Dijk (jouke.van.dijk@rug.nl), or Mark Partridge (Partridge.27@osu.edu)

The Scientific Committee:

Marlon Boarnet, University of California-Irvine, USA (and Co-Editor of Journal of Regional Science)

Steven Brakman, Groningen University, Netherlands (and Co-Editor of Journal of Regional Science)

Anping Chen, Jinan University, China

Jouke Van Dijk, Groningen University, Netherlands (and Managing Editor of Papers in Regional Science)

Henk Folmer, Groningen University, Netherlands (and Managing Editor of Letters in Resource and Spatial Sciences)

Nicolaas Groenewold, University of Western Australia, Australia

Vernon Henderson, Brown University, USA

Ming Lu, Fudan University, China

Qi Liang, Sun Yat-Sen University, China

Philip McCann, Groningen University, Netherlands (and Co-Editor of Papers in Regional Science)

Peter Nijkamp, Free University, Netherlands

Gianmarco Ottaviano, London School of Economics UK and Bocconi University Italy (and Co-Editor of Journal of Regional Science)

Mark Partridge, Ohio State University, USA (and Managing Co-Editor of Journal of Regional Science)

Takatoshi Tabuchi, University of Tokyo, Japan (and Co-Editor of Papers in Regional Science)

Brigitte Waldorf, Purdue University.

Joyce Yanyun Man, Peking University, China

Siqi Zheng, Tsinghua University, China